Invisalign and Bioliner

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that provides an alternative to metal braces. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is virtually invisible and removable.
The Invisalign system works through a series of custom aligners. Many adults and older teens are candidates for Invisalign.
Bioliner Plus is a clear dental aligner similar to Invisalign. Bioliner offers a more economical alternative than Invisalign. Bioliner is a good solution to correct minor to moderate dental rotation, and teeth spacing problems. The Bioliner continuously realigns the teeth using a soft dental insert.
Dr. Clausen will advise you as to which system is best to meet your needs and cosmetic outcome.

The Clear Alternative to Metal Braces

Invisalign straightens your teeth by using a series of clear, removable aligners. Approximately every two weeks, dental aligners are replaced with new ones that move and straightening teeth in small increments.
  • Invisalign uses clear aligner trays that fit closely to teeth; many people will not even see them.
  • The aligners are smooth and comfortable. There are no sharp or jagged edges to irritate the inside of your mouth.
  • Invisalign helps correct a wide range of conditions, including spaces, overbites, under/cross bites and crowding.
  • Aligners easily snap in and out of the mouth.
  • Dental hygiene routines are easy with Invisalign, just brush and floss normally before reinserting the aligners.
  • The Invisalign system requires orthodontic visits every 8 to 10 weeks.

Invisalign Procedure and Time Frame

  • Time to complete - Invisalign time varies with each patient and the type and amount of correction. The process takes between 9 to 15 months.
  • 1st procedure visit - Dr. Clausen will take impressions of your teeth and digitized them. From these impressions, we create and manipulate a computerized image of the teeth.
  • Using 3-D modeling software, Dr. Clausen will plan out the movement of the teeth. Invisalign will then create sets of the aligners and send them to the office every two weeks.
  • Subsequent visits - You will need to stop by the office every few weeks to receive your new aligners and for a quick check to ensure everything is progressing as expected. Each set of aligners gently adjusts your teeth for about two weeks before you progress to the next set. Every 8 weeks or so, we do an orthodontic progress check and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Invisalign Re-alignment Process

    The aligners gradually reposition the teeth over time. Wearing Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day achieves the best results. The aligners are removed to eat, brush, floss, and for cleaning. The aligners can also be removed during sports that require a mouthguard and for special occasions.
    For more information, please visit Invisalign.

    Call Gentle Family Dentistry & Dental Implants to schedule your appointment.